SPHINX represents a major leap forward in non-invasive detection technologies. Designed to address critical needs in security and safety, SPHINX uses advanced gamma ray interrogation and our proprietary software to detect and identify concealed substances with unparalleled precision and reliability. Whether it's identifying landmines in conflict zones or detecting contraband in airports, SPHINX offers a unique and exclusive solution that meets the highest standards of accuracy and safety.
Key Benefits:
Discover how SPHINX leverages advanced gamma ray technology, integrated with our proprietary neutron source and cutting-edge software, to offer precise and non-intrusive detection solutions. The combined source and detector system, unique at its time of inception, ensures high accuracy and versatility in a range of critical applications.
Explore the diverse applications of SPHINX and how it enhances safety and efficiency across various fields, from security screening to mine detection.
Have a vision for the future of advanced plasma technology? We're here to make it a reality.
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